How to Train a Pitbull: 7 Expert Tips

If you have a young pitbull puppy or are planning on getting one soon, make socialization your top priority. It is important that your pit bull puppy learns to be comfortable with a variety of people and situations from a very early age. Keep things positive and upbeat, and allow your pit bull puppy to approach new things in its own time.

  • Pitbulls are strong dogs, and without proper leash manners, they can easily overpower their handler.
  • When your dog can do everything well, slowly get him used to distraction.
  • Listen for “I need to potty” barks or whines in the middle of the night, too, so you can give your puppy an overnight potty break whenever necessary.
  • Use hand signals with the word so you won’t need treats whenever your dog speaks on command.
  • With this organized plan, your dog will quickly master this vital skill within three days.

You should be equipped and ready to start housetraining your new dog from the moment that you bring him home. Try not to put your pet in an uncomfortable situation, though. And remember, extra-long periods of time between potty breaks increase the chances of an accident.

If your puppy gets bored or frustrated, it will ultimately be counterproductive to learning. Getting your puppy on a schedule is the key to fast potty training, says Gillihan. Most puppies need to go potty after they eat, nap, or have a play session. First thing in the morning, take your puppy out to go potty. “If your puppy relieved himself, then he’s earned 30 to 45 minutes of playtime,” she says. After that, it’s time to go back to the crate to settle down.

Methods to Potty Train a Puppy in 7 Days

Here are seven expert tips on how to train a Pitbull, including the best methods, commands to teach, and how to socialize your Pitbull. Ultimately, each step in this journey, whether handling a heavy dog or dealing with grief, brings you closer to a fulfilling life with your loyal, loving Pitbull. The training process might be challenging, but the results are profoundly rewarding.

You can achieve this by calling her name or using a treat as a lure. Are you tired of coming home to chewed-up shoes, unruly behavior, and endless barking? It’s time to take control and create a well-behaved pup. Sometimes it’s the most loving decision you could make. There are many things you can try to train your dog before you get to that point.

A balanced diet is crucial for a healthy, trainable Pitbull. Consult with your vet to determine the best diet plan for your dog, considering factors like age, size, and activity levels. Start with short trips and reward your Pitbull for calm behavior during the ride. Safety tools like the FI Dog Collar can provide an extra layer of security during car travels.

Helpline page for an online chat or to register for the GDH program. A good rule of thumb is to be like an action movie — fast-paced, engaging, and easy to follow. When you’re with your dog, really be present with them.

Spend some time

You might think a puppy training schedule (or dog training schedule) should be different for a much older puppy or adult dog…. It’s like a school for kids, the only difference is that the students here are your pets. When it comes to teaching your puppy right from wrong, positive reinforcement training is the best method. It’s based on using high-value treats like bits of hot dog, chicken, or cheese to reward your puppy for a job well done. This will teach your dog that good things happen when they listen to their humans.

How to Start Training Your Puppy

By the way, if the puppy keeps peeing when you come home from work, your puppy may be peeing out of excitement—in which case, the puppy probably has no idea they are peeing! Some puppies lose control of their bladder when they are excited (just like some people leak a little urine when they laugh). The odor from past accidents is like a “restroom” sign for your dog.

Early neutering will reduce a dog’s inclination to mark surfaces. Moreover, if a dog who is already potty trained starts having accidents, check with your veterinarian because there might be a medical cause. Set up a daily schedule where you walk your dog on leash to the desired elimination spot after meals, after naps, and every couple of hours in between. To reinforce that the trip has a purpose, you should not play with the dog during trips to eliminate.

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